- release Date: 2011
- Genre: Comedy
- Scores: 180493 Vote
- Cameron Diaz
- 6,4 of 10
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Im a teacher and this is the stupidest movie I've ever seen. I don't like it at all. I watched this movie and I found no substance. If this is the reality in California school districts, well, not in my district. I know the movie is supposed to be funny, but I don't find it funny at all. Here are some reasons: 1. Teachers, teach students and they don't show movies all the time. 2. Teachers don't drink in the classrooms. 3. Teachers don't drive those kind of cars. 4. Teachers don't go to school looking for a millions husband or wife. 5. Teachers spend time preparing lesson plans and homework. 6. Teachers treat students with respect. 7. Teachers don't dress like Cameron Diaz 8. Teachers don't smoke weed in the school property 9. Teachers watch their language in front of students. 10. Teachers don't make the money to live like Cameron Diaz makes us believe. I dunno know if teachers in California are like Cameron Diaz. If you want to watch a good movie about a teacher, then watch " The Class" it is a French movie. This is my personal opinion and I don't recommend this movie at a.
Vastly underrated, makes me lol. Cameron Diaz make a fabulous bad teacher.
Pointless movie. not worth watch. the only good thing bout this is nothing. i liked the soundtrack but that doesn't make it great movie. if you're bored and you don't know what to do with your life go and watch it you may enjoy it. the main idea of this movie is really awful 'bad teacher" this teaches kids to be bad if they saw a symbol of teacher is bad and encourage them to do bad stuff. seriously Hollywood need to stop making stupid movies like this. and start saving money for something better. in the end its an opinion and its just a movie i know, but its just sad that there is empty minded people that could not think and come up with a better story.
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